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5 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Using Hair Adhesive

5 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Using Hair Adhesive
5 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Using Hair Adhesive 
With the advent of globalization, people are willing to buy anything in the market for cosmetic purposes. While there is no harm in caring for your outward appearance, it is important that you do so safely.

Manufacturers on the other hand have taken advantage of mankind's desire to look good. They are daily flooding the market with hair, skin and nail products that are formed with chemicals that can have a drastic effect on human health. Getting a hair extension has a lot of benefits ranging from improving your looks to increasing your self-esteem. It has been the norm for women and men to use different forms of hair replacement therapy as well as use adhesives. These extensions are held in place with adhesive compounds which are applied directly to a user's scalp. Many blinding opts for hair replacement or extensions without doing enough research about the good the bad and the ugly aspects of hair adhesive. Below are five things you ought to be aware of before you use or even buy a hair adhesive;

 1. Before you install a weave, or use hair adhesive, you should know that you cannot simply remove it after it has been glued to your head. You need to buy a special kind of shampoo or a glue remover to properly remove every element of the adhesive from your scalp. The funny thing is that most of these shampoos or glue removers on their own can be harmful to your health. So ask a lot of questions and do thorough research before you buy a glue removal. Apart from the glue remover, the initial adhesive for application should be purchased with caution. Most lead to allergic reaction and even more serious health conditions which would be discussed later. Whether you would be applying your extensions yourself or you would be seeking out the services of your professional stylist you should never joke with instructions. Always read the instructions for application so you do not make any mistakes.

    2. No matter the instructions you see on the label; eye friendly, health friendly, and all the sweet things manufacturers write to convince you to buy, do not ever let hair adhesive or glue removal get into your eyes, mouth or even your ear. It is true that thousands of woman love to use adhesive without caution or consequences, however, some cases have been reports about women who suffered hair loss due to the wrong use of adhesive. So it is important that you consider every available method of application before you use an extension. Always remember that a customer who is properly informed is a smart consumer. So do consider all the health risks associated with using an adhesive for your hair.

   3. Most of the adhesive products sold today for use with different Hair Systems contain certain chemicals that are generally known carcinogens. Some of the commonly used ingredients that are found in adhesive include; Toluene, Xylene, formaldehyde, methyl, ethyl cyanoacrylates, Hexane, Heptane, Naphtha. Although all these chemicals can be harmful to the health, the most harmful are;
    ● Toluene This is a chemical that is naturally found in crude oil and told trees. It is usually added in the production of gasoline and some other products like rubber, nail glue, adhesive and even hair products. People know that toluene is used in manufacturing hair and nail products, but what they don't know is that the chemical is hazardous. Excessive exposure to toluene can affect the central nervous system, the liver, kidneys, eyes, skin and respiratory system. A woman who is exposed to this chemical during pregnancy can have a spontaneous abortion or deliver a baby with defects and retarded mental capacity. Long term and repeated exposure can lead to sudden loss of consciousness, respiratory depression and even death. It is sad to say that manufacturers still use this product in making hair and nail products and sell them to unsuspecting customers.

 ● Xylene This is an aromatic hydrogen carbon that is usually used for tissue processing cover slipping and staining in histology lab. With the hazardous effects of the substance documented, one would think that manufacturers of hair products would have stopped using it by now. This chemical is not just used in adhesive but also in nail polish, vanishes and paints. The side effects of this item are simply to those of Toluene. Over exposure would lead to; respiratory depression, migraine,

 ● Hexane The chemical structure of this compound is CH 3. It is an organic solvent that is made of crude oil just like toluene. Exposure to this substance can lead to feet and arm numbness, dizziness, irritation of the skin, throat and nose on a short term but long term exposure can lead to, decreased motor nerve conduction, vision problems and muscle weakness. This substance is used for the production of rubber, hair adhesive, smelling gasoline and in some cases, it is used as a narcotic.

 ● Heptane This is another deadly substance that manufacturers never tell you about. It is a straight-chain alkaline substances. This substance is commercially available as nothing but mixed isomers for paints and coatings. It is used as a solvent for rubber cement and outdoor stove fuel. Exposure to Heptane can affect the eyes and causes irritation. It can also irritate the skin irritation, defatting the skin and the dermatitis. Ingestion can cause gastrointestinal irritation along with vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. If it gets the lungs, this substance can cause chemical pneumonitis, that can be fatal in some cases. When inhaled, in high concentration, it can cause serious damage to the central nervous system, migraine, dizziness, and even lead to a coma. When it comes in contact with the skin, Heptane can dermatitis.

  ● Naphtha Naphtha is the general term that has always to refer to any flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures. When you find any mixture labeled naphtha then you should know that it has been produced from natural gas condensates, coal distillation, petroleum distillation. It has been used in different industries to refer to gross products like crude oil or other refined crude products like kerosene. It is also in hair adhesive products. Over exposure to naphtha has been known to results in mild acute effects on function of an individual's central nervous system. The adhesive products that are sold in the Hair Replacement industry do not ever have the health benefits or any health warning to users. This had led to an increase in the occurrence of cancer as well as many other long or and short term side effects. The only warning you would ever find is this; this product can lead to kidney failure, lung damage or liver disease (this is only visible in products that are orally taken). Apart from the fact that the side effects of hair adhesive products are not common knowledge, there are also no long term studies on the health effects of these hair adhesives on a person's head.

   4. Keep in mind that when people with hair systems are exposed to sunlight, their hair system adhesive will react with UV (ultraviolet radiation) and can become highly toxic. This type of toxicity happens, it enters the body directly and to various organs. This can be extremely damaging and even fatal to an individual's health.

 5. When adhesive products containing harmful chemicals is on an individual’s hair, sweating and drinking of alcohol can drastically increase the level of chemical absorption into the skin and subsequently increased health risks. However, no manufactures manual tells you that. You may be wondering why these products are still being in making hair adhesive and why the public is still buying them. The fact is that the hair replacement and extension industries have continued to use deceptive means to fool customers into believing that their products are safe for use. Apart from that, they also include claims that their hair adhesives are FDA approved and are medically or surgically graded when in reality, they are not. There is no MSDS data sheet that guarantees any of these products as safe nor does FDA regulations apply to these products. To keep yourself and your family safe, it would be wise of you to request for an MSDS data sheet that proves safety before booking hair replacement or any kind. If the company is not willing to provide you with the data you requested, then take your business to a more reliable one. Keep repeating the process until you get what you want. It's not too much trouble to ask for the required data nor neither is it too much for you to leave when the data requested is not provided. Note that if you have an emergency as a result of any form of hair replacement, and you have to go to the hospital, the first thing your doctor would ask for is the MSDS sheet. On no condition should you directly apply Acrylic and Silicone based adhesives on your skin. Your health should come paramount when you want to use any hair system that requires the use of adhesives. Never buy products that have any of the aforementioned harmful substances.

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