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How To Prevent And Cure Gout Naturally

Gout is a kind of arthritis that usually come in form of sudden pain, swelling in the joints and tenderness. This medical condition is normally caused by sodium urate crystal deposits that has accumulated in the join because of high uric acid in the blood.
Over the years, the excess uric acid can deposits can become crystalline and typically accumulate in the feet joints, elbow, ankle, wrist and knee. Furthermore, it normally affects the males between 30-60 years of age than the females.

  • Inflammation, swelling, redness, tenderness and pains in the affected joint.
  • Inability to move the affected joint.
In the real sense, gouts happens at any instant time, most during the night. In cases where the gout attack is severe, it might lead to restricted joint movement, fever, increased heartbeat that can stay for several days. If it's not unattended to, it could happen more than usual in terms of frequency and can spread to other joints in the body and this eventually leads to deformity and damage.
It sometimes make crystal lumps develop under the skin of region affected, and also in kidneys as well as joints and organs.
Unfortunately, hypertension and diabetes patients having gout could also go through poor kidney function which causes more damage to the tissues and joints.

The Main Causes
Gout can result from excessive amount of uric acid manufactured by the liver. Whereas, experts say that our diet plays a big role in the development of gout. So excessive intake of certain food can increase the uric level.
Those known for consuming excess amount of alcohol on a daily basis could increase the rate at which uric acid is produced in the body and reduce its excretion from the body. Regular consumers of alcohol and protein are considered to be in danger of getting gout.
previously mentioned, those suffering from gout should exclude the acid-forming foods, including processed, fried and sugary foods, dairy products, alcohol, flour, soft drinks, and tobacco from their diet.
As earlier stated, patients of gout should abstain from eating food containing acid and processed, fried, sugary foods, dairy products, alcohol, flour, soft drinks and tobacco.
Stop taking the following diet because they contain purine: all kinds of meat, sardines, tomato and its products, peas, bean sprout, herring, strawberry, bean paste, tobacco etc. They all increase your chances of having gout.
Instead, consume more fresh veggies, fruits and filtered water. in addition, you should exercise from time to time and take much water. Losing weight is also an advantage.

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