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Relationship Advice for Men and women - How To Know When You Are Arguing With A Mad Person

Arguing with a psychopath
How to know know when you are auguring with a psychopath 
In deep contrast to popular belief, psychopaths do not always enter into our lives as serial killers, psycho rapists or even as our worst enemies.
They an enter our lives, randomly as partners. They fit themselves perfectly into any and every kind of situation. And they manipulate us to cause deliberate harm without any feelings of guilt or responsibility. They have the ability to alter their identity according to what they want at a giving, whether it is sex, money, power or the most common, your attention.

A psychopath’s manipulative tendencies can fool you into perceiving them as innocent, fun, and incredibly charming individuals. However, their true colors start to come out once they feel threatened or bored. They drench you into unreasonable arguments, the kind of arguments that you have never experienced before.

You will observe a certain consistent pattern. They may do something inappropriate or hurtful. From there argument would start up and before you even understand what is happening, you realize that you the one who is defending yourself and not them. Look out for these warning signs to understand that you have been arguing with a psychopath, and it is time just to walk out.

1. They tend to  lie a lot and come up with excuses:
I know no one in this world is perfect. We all are prone to making mistakes, and we all mess things up at some point or the other. But what matters is how you deal with the mistakes you have made. While most people are ready to accept their mistakes and apologize, a psychopath will prefer to come up with some probably arranged excuse for all of their wrongdoings. You will find that they rarely fulfill their promises and even when they apologize for a certain action, it will not mean that this action will even be avoided shortly.

You can not even remember the number of their lies you red handed caught. Your disappointment in them is so bad that you feel content if they ever do something even halfway nice for you. You have been conditioned to be thankful for average treatment. It feels like they possess multiple personalities.

If you have been around a psychopath, just like I have, you will notice that they seem to possess some different personas. They can be nice, mean, caring, and scary all at the same time frame. If they feel like you are starting to recognize their trail of lies and bad manipulation, you will find them apologizing and flattering you in every single way possible; that is if the are still into you, or haven't gotten all they need from you.
If they feel that this is not working, they will just suddenly resort to insulting you on the exact things that they were flattering you about some few minutes ago. And while they may even struggle desperately to regain control of the situation, you will be left confused about who exactly this person is.

2. They are always ready to play the victim:
No matter what the matter is, no matter how the argument may have started and no matter whose fault it obviously is, a psychopath will always start to link everything that is happening to some horrible past, an abusive parent, a psychotic ex or even an evil boss. Ever accepting responsibility.
Eventually, you will find yourself feeling bad for them, even at a time when they may have done something extremely terrible to you. And as soon as your attention has been diverted successfully, things will start to get real bad real fast.  They will repeat their past mistakes, and they will go back to their old and wrong habits.

3. You have to explain the most basic human emotions to them:
Most of us, humans always wish to find the good in others. They believe that no human being can ever be naturally bad or evil. So when you encounter a psychopath- someone who just keeps hurting you for no reason at all, someone you do not completely understand, you make an attempt to find the good in them severally, but it is simply not there. You find yourself trying continuously to change them, trying to explain to them simple and common emotions such as kindness and empathy. You believe that if you are indeed successful in making them understand these emotions, they might stop hurting you.

You are not a fool. You are not the first person who wanted to give them a second chance, and you are not the last.
But the truth is, that's set of individuals can never change. They are doing all this intentionally as part of theirs. Genetic makeup. My advice?  Walk away.


  1. This is very good advice. I have personally experienced these things in my previous relationship. The best thing to do is to work out.


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