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Lose Weight Counting Calories

Lose weight counting calories 

With all that now in mind, you should now know the calories' quantity you burn daily. This will help you plan and consume fewer calories needed to lose weight.
You need to have a look into your AMR and your BMR to calculate this number. BMR is known as the ‘basal metabolic rate’. It is the rate at which you burn calories on a day when you are carrying out little or no activities. Even if you are not moving around, your body still make use of energy and calories in order to allow you digest, blimp, breathe and wade off diseases. In contrast, AMR is the ‘active metabolic rate’. This is the total number of calories you burn in a day if you are engaged in your normal activities and exercise. For many, this number is much more useful. In calculating your AMR, the information below may be used. Women: BMR = 655 + (height measured in inches x 4.7) + (weight measured in pounds x 4.35) – ( age measured in years x 4.7) Men: BMR = 66 + ( height measured in inches x 12.7) + (weight measured in pounds x 6.23 ) – ( age measured in years x 6.8) To get your AMR, you will multiply the value you arrive at from above with;

• 1.2 if you are sedentary (with little or no exercise)
• 1.375 if you are slightly active (if you exercise about one to three times a week)
• 1.55 if you are active moderately (if you exercise and work about on the average)
• 1.725 if you are very active (if you train hard for about six to seven days in a week)
• 1.9 if you’re extremely active (if you are a professional athlete or a physical laborer) 

With these figures in mind, you can now try to set a daily target for yourself, in order to achieve a consistent and steady loss of fat. You can achieve this by consciously counting all the calories you consume, or you can just adopt a much more easy and convenient way. Simply set out to calculate the calories of most of the common foods around so you know the number of calories you are consuming each time you eat a particular type of meal. Ensure your breakfast and lunch are relatively consistent, then find out about meals that are low in calorie suitable for dinner. Remember, while you are trying to maintain your present weight or hoping to shed off some fats, ensure you strike a balance. Reducing your calorie intake way below what the body requires to function normally results in muscle damage and in turn slows down your metabolism.

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