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Seven Types of Animals Usually Found in Wetlands.

The American Beaver
They make their homes(lodges) using twigs, sticks, and mud from streams or lakes. Twigs, shoots, and bark of leaves are very important to the beaver's diet.

Beavers are important to wetlands because they are cable of changing a fast growing forest into a small lake that harbors many animals. By changing this, it does not only help them have a better environment to live in but also helps many other animals. For instance, dead trees can become an abode for aquatic birds while the insects that usually lives in dead trees serves as a meal for these birds. They achieve all this by constructing dams. Without the help of beavers, it would haven taken decades or maybe centuries to achieve the process of bringing new life into an area. 
Their dams give them protection during the summer as a means of escape, and by winter they hide from wolves in their warm home which is protected by a layer of ice.
The Tiger Salamander
The Tiger Salamander feeds on worms and small insects. Their adults are not commonly seen in the open as they often hide in burrows. As adults, Tiger Salamander can be said to be almost entirely terrestrial, as they only return to water to breed.
The Mallard Duck
Mallard Duck can be found in most wetlands, as well as small lakes and rivers. They feed by diving or dabbling to the base for plant food with some reports suggesting that they also feed on frogs. Mallard Ducks usually do not go far from their home and their sharp beak helps them pick through the grass to find small prey.  Their webbed feet also help them adapt to their environment by wading through water. 
American Bullfrog
The American Bullfrog swim through water using their short front legs and webbed back legs. They live on land as well as on water and use their skin to absorb oxygen when they are under water. They adapt to their environment by camouflage. They feed on fish, insects, birds, snakes and at times other frogs.
Water Scorpion
Water scorpions are actually not scorpions. They are a predatory insect usually found in a slow-moving or stagnant water. Water scorpion possesses a thin body and long legs. They have wings and can fly but they are hardly seen flying. Often, they are seen among plants. Water scorpions feed on tadpoles, small fish, and some small aquatic insects.
Tiger Trout
They are fast becoming one of the most sought after game fish. Tiger Trout are known for their unusual beauty and strong fight. They are a hybrid between a female brook trout and a brown male trout. The hybridization results in a trout that has a unique, dark pattern on its brownish-gray body. They can not reproduce.
Grass Snake
The Grass Snake principally feed on adult frog and toads. They are quite long and can grow up to 150cm long.
Grass Snakes are non-poisonous and usually seen almost anywhere there is standing water or wet grass. They can also be found in woodland traveling long distances to forage. The grass snake hibernates from October to March.

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