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The Bond: a short story by Femm Writers

Femm Writers


Jessie Morgan is a sweet eight-year-old girl who is also a genius. She is a straight A student who had magical powers, and she uses it to find love for her beloved mother. Her father died in a horrible car crash, and her mother has refused to get over the incident and move on.
Meet the characters
Jessie Morgan
She is high spirited and cares for everyone around her.
Miss Ellen Morgan
Jessie's mother who lost her beloved husband and hadn't been able to move past the incident and put her life together.
James Williams
A colleague of Miss Morgan who has a sweet crush on her.
Jessie's close buddy who knows about her special powers.


Ellen sprung up from her bed like a scared animal. She took a while to assure herself that it was only a dream. She put on her robe and went to her daughter's room and stared at her little girl. She patted her head and went downstairs to make toast. Jessie woke up immediately after her mom left her room and she smiled. She could tell what her mom was thinking; it was her special power. She ran downstairs after brushing her teeth and hugged her mother from behind. Both of them were startled when the toast jumped out of the bread toaster. They laughed and began to plan their summer together.
Mother and daughter had an inexplicable bond which seemed to get stronger every day. They got dressed and started their summer adventures. The first stop was Ellen's office. It was "bring your child to work day" and the office was colorful like an aurora on a beautiful night. Children of different ages were running around while others sat down quietly and watched events unfold. Jessie was one of the quiet ones. She quietly observed everyone in the room, and that was when she noticed something. A man in the next cubicle was thinking about her mother, and she could hear it. His thoughts were as clean as a whistle. He wanted to help her heal from her past.
Jessie walked up to him and introduced herself to him. He spoke to her and smiled while adjusting his geeky glasses. She invited him to their house for dinner, and he was astounded by the intelligence of the little girl. It was as if she could read his mind. He felt happy about her invitation as well and walked to meet her mom to confirm the appointment.
Ellen was surprised that her daughter made the arrangement. However, she thought a guest coming over would be great for them. So she smiled and agreed. Jessie was ecstatic; she was on the path to helping her mom find love again.
The fun day finally came to an end, and all the children had to go home. James walked his new friend to the car with her mother and Jessie would clearly see the passion between them and opportunity knocked on the door for her to help them find each other. She waved him from the car as they drove away slowly.
When they got home, Jessie and her mom took a shower together and talked about their fun day. She began to tell her mom about how much she liked her colleague, James and why she wanted him to come over. She told her that for some strange reason, she felt he genuinely liked her.
The day ended on a great note, and the sky was full of dancing stars. It was as if the radio stopped singing and stared at Ellen. She began to see some truth in what her little girl was saying. However, she wasn't sure if she was ready to move on yet. A part of her wanted to be happy, so she decided to be open to the possibility of loving another person. She kissed her baby goodnight and went to bed.
For the first time in years, Ellen slept like a baby without any nightmares or monsters to fear. She woke up with a smile on her face and laughed herself in a mirror. She went downstairs and saw her daughter making breakfast. Jessie was excited about her mother's first date in a long while. She planned to do all the hard work today so her mom could rest and look relaxed for her date.
Technically, it wasn't a date because she was going to be present. So she thought of a way to allow them to have some privacy. She called her best friend, Minnie. Minnie was the only one who knew of her ability to read people's mind. She didn't see her as some freak but as a good friend. Minnie was also smart, so she quickly came up with a great idea to take Jessie away from the date. She begged her own mother to allow her to invite a friend over for a sleepover. Luckily, she agreed. The girls jumped for joy like hungry puppies and went ahead to plan a perfect date for the couple.
They succeeded in convincing the property manager to allow them to use the rooftop for the date. He agreed. The two mischievous children informed Jessie's mother about their plans to have a sleepover. Ellen was excited because she didn't want to be all alone with him. She agreed nonetheless.
Jessie waited at the window sill like a homemaker waiting for a letter from her husband. She didn't look away until she saw his car pull over. She jumped out and went to welcome him. James was rather shy and was sad to hear that she wouldn't be joining them for dinner. She told him to cheer up and encouraged him to be a gentleman. She picked up her bag and joined her friend in her mother's car.
Ellen took her daughter's advice and laughed away her sorrows and at that moment, she was at peace. She finally felt okay to move on with someone else. It was like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. She smiled and enjoyed the rest of her date which led to a long a fruitful relationship.

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