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Why you shouldn't become selfish when making relationship choices

Why you shouldn't become selfish when making relationship choices
Why you shouldn't become selfish when making relationship choices 
The Choices We Make: Lara’s Choice
Most of the time, we become selfish. We refuse to think about anyone’s happiness apart from ours.
Well, we are humans and are inherently selfish. We never learn and that’s why our decisions continue to haunt us every single day of our lives. When we refuse to listen, we let others around us suffer the consequences. Follow the story of Lara as she had to live with the decisions she took several years ago.
Lara was still in the office when she discovered that she had over 20 missed calls from her husband. She quickly grabbed everything her hands could reach and rushed to the car. She frantically tried to reach her husband’s phone and the line was unreachable. She had a weird feeling that it concerned her only child, Dami.
Dami was an adorable little angel when he was born. He was also blessed to have parents who loved each other dearly and provided all his needs. However, he was paying the price for his parent’s love. The little boy was just five and had basically lived in the hospital all his life. Sickle cell disease wasn’t giving him a break. The last crises he had was a week ago, and today, he’s most likely going back on admission.
Six years ago…
Lara was devastated by the results from the lab and lay down to think about how she was going to let go of an 8-year courtship because of a mere lab result. They had set the wedding date and had even bought clothes for the wedding ceremony until their church requested for a genotype test. Her phone rang severally, but she just wasn’t in the mood to pick the call. She heard a knock on her door and decided to check who it was. She opened the door and discovered it was the person she was dodging on the phone, her fiancé.
Dare loved her with every drop of his blood, but they were in a fix. How do they go ahead with the wedding when such a union only produces unhealthy children? He held her close to his chest and promised not to let her go. They planned to forget the results of the test and believe in God because there is nothing he cannot change. Or so they thought.
They opted for a small ceremony after their ordinance marriage and invited only close friends. Lara was so happy after the ceremony; she was finally tied to her soulmate after eight whole years. She hoped that their happiness would last forever. But she was wrong.
After Dami was born, the stress of looking after a child had sucked out the love from their relationship. They couldn’t even get intimate because their son had trouble sleeping.
Now he’s five years old and sick again, and she has to rush to the hospital to be with her son. She rushed into the reception and was directed to the emergency room. She got to the ward and saw her husband holding their unconscious son’s hand.
“I’ve been calling you Lara,” Dare said with tears in his eyes. “I’m exhausted, and I’m tired, for how long do we have to live like this? For how long do I have to watch my son suffer?
“Honey, I believe in God, he will cure our son,” she said.
“What are you talking about? I’ve believed in him for years and where has that gotten me?” I’m fed up. He said.
What happens next? Follow Lara’s choice.

Guest post by From Femm Writers 
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