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Joe Scarborough And Brzezinski - Trump Goes Page Six on Joe Scarborough And Mika Brzezinski

Joe Scarborough And Brzezinski - Trump Goes Stage Six on Joe Scarborough And Mika Brzezinski
Donald Trump 

Donald Trump has single-handedly taken the back seat for media critic once again.
On Monday, he raised his Twitter fire at the show "Morning Joe," which was formerly one of his favorite campaign spots.

Trump, as usual, criticized "Joe's Co-host Mika Brzezinski in very personal terms. He called her neurotic, off the wall and not a very bright mess. Ouch!  He went further to imply that Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough have been having an affair, referring to the pair as"two clowns."

The comments Trump made about Brzezinski were similar to Trump's highly personal attacks against the Fox host by name, Megyn Kelly.
During a three-hour live national broadcast, the Co-host spoke of Trump in a manner that could be considered highly critical.
Scarborough said in reply to Trump's attack on Megyn Kelly; during a commercial break, that "Clinton is targeting valuable swing states today, but Trump starts his day by insulting Cable News hosts while channeling Gawker."SAD"
Joe Scarborough And Brzezinski - Trump Goes Stage Six on Joe Scarborough And Mika Brzezinski

Trump obviously did not like what Joe said on being a man that is not very good at taking criticism, and Trump came for them in grand style saying:
"I tried watching this lame talk show, but it was completely "unwatchable."
(one hour later, he called into the competing show, "Fox & Friends,")
Trump has taken a shot at "Morning Joe" before. However, his references to Brzezinski and Scarborough are new and personal.
Trump is not the first to accuse the co-hosts of dating.

Coming from his official Twitter account, the comment by Trump raised eyebrows right instantly.
His tweet implied a retribution because Trump said: "one day when things cool off, I will tell you all the real story" of co-host Scarborough and Brzezinski.
A lot of political reporters drew our attention to the fact that Trump's attacks began just one day after his new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway revealed that he does not hurl personal Insults to anyone. This made the situation rather ironic, and Trump has been trending on Twitter ever since.

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