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Health and Fitness:Top Ten Health/Fitness Clubs in the United States (Part 2)

 24 Hour Fitness
 24 Hour Fitness
Let's start up were we left off. We originally wrote a post about the the top ten best health and fitness center in the United States

5. 24 Hour Fitness
We have got to give a round of applause to one of the biggest fitness clubs of them all. 24 Hour Fitness is unarguably the largest privately owned fitness chain. And it has over 400 fitness clubs that can be found in about 17 states and also in Asia where they are called “California Fitness” clubs.
The club is the first in the industry to offer 24/7 access to fitness classes to fit every kind of lifestyle, especially individuals that have no time during the day to exercise. Members can access the power of fitness so as to transform their life. The fitness club has state-of-the-art equipment and expert personal training, and their facilities and programs are designed to help people achieve their fitness goals. The 24Life Fitness Philosophy from 24 Hour Fitness utilizes the combined approach of four Lifestyle Pillars, namely Mindset, Nourishment, Movement, and Regeneration. These components empower members and the athletes to achieve all their goals. Whether you plan to feel better, run a race, lose some weight, they have a program and a movement strategy for you.
The personalized movement programs which are led by certified Personal Trainers or movement experts, as they are termed, help remove the guesswork from working out. The fitness center partners with members for a fitness plan which is custom-built with their goals in mind. Most importantly, they provide the inspiration and guidance they need to keep going. The personalized training program maximizes success from the beginning by concentrating on these four vital areas:
-    Strategy.
A trainer will help the member identify and develop the movement plan for success that is tailored to the needs and results they prefer.
-    Expertise
Get one-on-one coaching and guidance from a certified expert on techniques and exercises which is perfect for the member.
-    Motivation
Members can push their workouts further with their fitness professional who is aware of what it takes to create positive change.
-    Support
Members can find how to succeed both outside and inside the gym, knowing that their trainer will be available for them along the way.
Whatever the needs and preferences are of the member, their coaches are open to help every step of the way. While some members may prefer the exclusive focus of one-on-one training session, while others may feel more inspired in a group or with a close friend. They offer several fitness programs which help members to find their fitness and health path. The Personal Training session is about 25-minute or in the case of one-on-one training sessions, 50-minutes. The Partner Training session lasts for about 50-minutes for two people it also features fun and friendly group workout classes. The Training Club teaches members how they can succeed both inside and outside the gym.

4. Curves
The most popular only women fitness clubs are exploiting the gesture of baby boomers who have begun to realize that fitness is something that has to be part of living a healthy life. Curves have been able to boost its success by appealing to people just getting into exercise and also by providing a great atmosphere for those women who would not join a gym usually.
The 30-minute cardio and strength workout is the ideal platform for this basic chain, with the plethora of motivational and educational resources to help put women on a healthy track.
The Curves workout delivers great results as it gives participants a total strength and cardio training solution in 30 minutes. Each session is designed to help participants burn about 500 calories, thereby helping them reach their fitness goals. And as always, they will get the encouragement and support of the Curves community in order to achieve their targets swiftly.
The program includes all the five components of a complete exercise routine (warm-up, cardiovascular training, strength training, stretching and cool-down) in just 30 minutes. Participants will be able to change stations after every 30 seconds. This allows them to recover and exercise different muscle groups.
Participants of this program will be allowed to work for every important muscle group while keeping their heart rate within the target training zone. There will be a circuit coach on site to motivate and teach them at every workout session. With all these provisions all individuals who participate are sure to achieve their fitness goals within a short period. Whether the original purpose is to gain energy, lose or tone up weight, the Curves circuit program will work for everyone.
According to studies regular physical activities, like the three-day-a-week Curves circuit program, significantly reduces the risk of suffering health conditions like coronary heart disease, colon cancer, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and high blood pressure. It also helps in weight control, promotes healthy bones, as well as joints and muscles; helps provide relieve for the pain caused by arthritis and decreases the signs of anxiety and depression.
The Curves workout program has helped many women in Africa and several other countries around the world get the type of results they desire. The program offers the benefits derived from a 90-minute workout in just 30 minutes. The reason why the exercise is very effective is that it combines strength-training exercises with sustained cardio, cool-downs, warm-ups, and stretching.
 Research conducted on the exercise has proven that Curves circuit delivers results by protecting the muscles, burning fat and enhancing metabolism. Clinical trials carried out by Curves International demonstrated that unfit women burn between 170 to 240 calories during a 30-minute Curves circuit workout. On the other hand, fit women burn more than 500 calories.
Curves also offer classes like Body Balance and Body Basics within the circuit. The classes offer participants an opportunity to do more exercise without the use of machines, expending extra energy and not overloading the muscles. At Curves, there is always a coach to help members train and to motivate them by reassuring them that they are not alone. The coach will help participants with their form and push them to their personal best. If this exercise is paired with Meal Plans via Curves Complete, members will love the results they see.
Gold’s Gym : top 10 health clubs in the United States

3. Gold’s Gym
The one-time gym weight room facility which was located in Venice Beach morphed into the family friendly global gym which caters to people of all ages.
Gold’s has a culture of personal training which helps the members to reach the ensuing level of their fitness goals, whether it includes getting fit after pregnancy or training for a marathon, or plainly learning how to remain fit with Diabetes. Recently, Gold’s gym paired with the AARP to develop special programs explicitly made for seniors. The center has about 600 locations across the world; Gold’s is unarguably the largest co-ed fitness gym in the world. The center offers various programs, and they include;
-    Health ways Silver Sneaker Fitness Program
The Gold’s Gym participates in the Health ways Silver Sneaker Fitness Program, and it is a fun, energizing program which helps older adults take more control of their health. They do so by encouraging moderate physical activity and social events.
The award-winning program supports people that are eligible for Medicare or retirees to unlock their door to greater independence and have a healthier life. A lot of health plans in the country offer this SilverSneakers program.
The benefits of the program includes:
a)    Access to exercise equipment, conditioning classes, pool, sauna and other amenities.
b)     Customized SilverSneakers classes which are designed entirely for older adults who wish to improve their flexibility, strength, endurance and balance health education seminars and some other events which promote the profits of a healthy lifestyle.
c)    A trained Program Advisor at the fitness center who will introduce the members to SilverSneakers and help them get started.
d)     Finally, they are given member-only access to the online support which can help them lose weight, reduce stress or quit smoking.
-    Tour de Cure
The Tour de Cure is a sequence of fundraising cycling occasions held in about 44 states in the nation to support the duty of the American Diabetes Association, which is to prevent and also cure diabetes as well as improve the lives of people affected by diabetes.
This Tour is a ride, and not a race, it also has routes designed for participants from an occasional rider to an experienced cyclist. In the event which occurred in 2011, over 55,000 cyclists in approximately 80 events raised over $18 million. The Gold’s Gym partners with the American Diabetes Association as a national patron of the charity event.
As a forerunner in the fitness industry, Gold’s Gym has consistently recognized the significance of exercise and nutrition for a balanced, and healthy lifestyle. They also plan to send the message across America with the Tour de Cure.
Ten health and fitness clubs in the United States

2. Anytime Fitness
 There are no special programs in Anytime Fitness, but they make up for this in their 24-hour access to the facility. Members of this fitness center have are 24/7 access and also affordability.

It is the perfect fitness center for individuals who have very busy schedules and are not looking for the added whistles and bells.
The growth of Anytime Fitness’ shows how popular the inexpensive and laid-back facilities are. They are currently opening a new location on every business day, and their clubs offer an appealing environment. The convenience of all private showers and bathrooms allows its members the chance to get freshened up after a fast workout, keeping members on the go. These facilities are rare in most fitness centers, and this gives it an upper hand over a lot of them on the list. Businesspeople and other busy individuals can make use of the opportunity to have a fit and healthy lifestyle on the go. The center has an integrated access and security. This includes remote monitoring of the surveillance systems, and personal safety devices which allow for emergency care on one-touch access.
They also offer support to every member free of charge. All new members get a personalized Get Started Plan as they join. Their friendly and professional staff are trained to help members along their fitness journey, and they are given as much support as they need. In addition to the excellent quality of exercise equipment and the supportive atmosphere, Anytime Fitness offers personal trainers at clubs.
The Certified Personal Trainers help members to launch a smart exercise program, break out of fitness grooves and move beyond stubborn plateaus, as well as re-energize their workout. Along the way, the trainers will challenge them, change their outlook and also build their confidence, with results which spread out far beyond the mirror.
The fitness center also offers tools and training. They believe that going to a healthier place is more than just going to a gym. That is why they offer personal training and when members are around, and the proper tools to keep them on track when they’re not. They also offer a 24/7 access to over 3,000 locations worldwide; members are joining one of the most convenient gyms in the world. The center also offers support through a community. Members do not just join the gym; they join a caring community of like-minded individuals who are present to give you the encouragement you require.
Top Ten Health and fitness clubs in the United States

1.    Tiger’s Den Crossfit
When you come across a name like “Tiger’s Den”, you realize that you’re in for a grueling workout. And that is exactly what doled out at the Tiger’s Den CrossFit. This fitness center is the top-rated fitness center in Dallas area and the entire country as well. Tiger’s Den provides a few training programs, and they include the barbell and CrossFit systems, which the members can use to help them reach their goals. Trainers of the Tiger’s Den also use a tiered system which will help members to progress in their fitness. It will also help with meal planning and nutrition as well. The fitness club has levels which a member must pass to be thoroughly fit. They are;
-    Level 1
This is an entry level experience. The Level one CrossFit class can still encounter any fitness level. The level’s programming emphasizes on assessing the total body mobility, as well as building cardiovascular and strengthening joint tissue, respiratory endurance, and bone density. It also focuses on creating rock-hard foundational movement patterns as well as improving kinesthetic awareness. The classes are tagged at ten to create a great coach to athlete ratio. It ensures a lot of personal time for all members of the club. The course is fun and comfortable, and it can be a great venue for a first date with an attractive spin instructor.
Level 2
This level is an intermediate class which focuses on unlocking human performance, and also wellness and general health. In this level, members will be pushed outside their comfort zone frequently, and they can reap all the rewards that come with such level of intensity. The level 2 class is a lesson for the weekend warrior and enthusiast as well as a collegiate athlete.
Level 3
For those who are truly competitive amongst others, the Tiger’s Den offers a competitive level CrossFit programming run with the CrossFit Games season. This is the last level, and it is not for weak hearted persons.
The fitness club believes that nutrition is a vital part of fitness. Eating properly is over half of a person’s success in the gym. If an individual is training immensely and is not paying any attention to what they are fueling your body with, then they are pretty much not making the most of their time involved. Their fitness is divided into two parts. The first part is the training which occurs in the facility. The rigorous training places stress on the body of the individual and in return for this, the body will acclimatize to those stressors and then become much stronger, fitter and better.
The second part of the fitness is the recovery; this part is just as important as training vigorously.
This part is composed of both sleep and diet. Any lack in either department can put a serious impediment to the success of the person in the gym. In Tiger’s Den, they address the subject of diet and their stance on what they should be consuming and how much they should be fueling with at any given time. The stimulus which is provided is always diverse, and the outcomes are dramatic. The diet is specifically tailored to each individual as every person is different. This ensures that the participant is getting the required nutrients which their body needs without lacking any crucial factor for a fit lifestyle. Also, the atmosphere is supportive and camaraderie to any person who is willing to put in some work and achieve their goals.
As is apparent in this list, the different fitness centers have various packages for a variety of lifestyles. Some offer 24-hour services, while others offer shower services. In some, there is an emphasis on diet and exercise, while others are more concerned with just physical training.  All of them have some common factors that make them the best in the industry; they are personalized and offer attractive packages.
Along with having the latest in classes and equipment, these fitness centers offer good restaurants, fantastic mind-body offerings, sound nutritional counseling, and lifestyle as well as health evaluations. A lot of the locations have racquetball court, boxing studios, and even junior Olympic pools.


  1. Fitness of your body is very important for your healthy life, if you do not have a fit body you will loose your health and confidence from your life; know the every people seems like to be fit in know a days so they doing many of things to getting their body fitness. The gym exercise and the uses of big machine for getting fit body is very hard thing not every one like to do that and they also do not have much time to spend on gyms. That’s why they use some fat reducing system like fat diminisher system which get their body into a perfect shape or fitness.


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