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Relationship& Marriage: Steps A Woman Should Take When her Husband Sleeps Around

What to do when your husband is unfaithful

So you are 100% positive you have a cheating spouse, and you know that taking precautions is the first step to staying disease free. Leaving out the who and why this article talks about risk of STIs.

A lot of women and some men find themselves in a situation as dire as this. A confirmed cheating spouse, a marriage you want to save and the possibility of a pregnancy that isn't yours, orp a disease that wasn't yours in the first place. To protect yourself from any further embarrassment, take some of the below steps.

Stop sexual activities:
Abstaining from any sexual activity would always be the best way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections. However, married women find it difficult to abstain for so many reasons. Some include:

  •   Not knowing how to say no: In Nigeria, it is considered a taboo for a woman to refuse her husband his marital dues. While this is true, some exceptions ought to be made when your husband is unfaithful. In this case, you have to set your priorities straight. Your health is more important than upholding norms or social expectations. 
  •  Lack of self-control: Some women lack self-control. They focus too much on sexual pleasure. Although it is good to have a healthy sex drive when you are married, it is not helpful when it is uncontrollable in a situation like this. 

Most women reading this are probably thinking that saying no would push him away! What you should understand is that he has already gone if he is cheating. You must think of yourself first, and your top priority should be to protect yourself until you have resolved the issue of Infidelity.

2 . Use a female condom for every encounter:
A male condom is very common among men, but do you know that as a woman you can also use a female condom? This is a contraceptive pouch that can help a majority of women stay in control of their sexual health and also reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy as well as prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

If you are a married woman with a cheating husband, it is good to understand why you must wear a condom or make your husband wear one. Some ladies normally opt to use a female condom because it means they do not have to rely on their husband to wear a condom. When you suspect or are sure that your husband is cheating, and you cannot avoid sex totally, wearing a female condom becomes imperative. Although female condoms are not as accessible as male condoms in Nigeria, you can get them from sexual healthcare professionals. Also, some good pharmacies and online shops sell them too.

3. Avoid pregnancy
Research has shown that babies are often affected when the parents have sexually transmitted infections. When you take the risk of getting pregnant for a cheating husband, you don't just risk your health, but you also risk the health of your unborn child.

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