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Visible Signs that You are With the Right Partner

Visible sighs that you're with the right person
Visible sighs that you're with the right person 
Why do couples get distant from one another even when they claim to be in love with each other?
The fact that you are in a relationship with someone you adore  is no real guarantee that you’ll have a good relationship, or this is the kind of relationship you want. You may love them a lot, but if you aren’t comfortable with the way you are being treated, there is only so much you can put up with it. Relationships can become unfulfilling when you feel unappreciated or like your partner is taking you for granted. It is not very difficult to figure out when your partner is taking you for granted. If you are ever  fortunate enough to find yourself in a relationship that is exactly how you want it to be, then you should consider yourself very lucky. Here a few visible  signs that you' are in such a relationship:

1.You can have a life separate from the relationship:
There are not clingy you aren’t either. Both of you respect each other’s space. You being able to have a life separate from the relationship is cr ucial for developing your individual identity. A  relationship cannot on its own define who a person is. There are different aspects of your life, not just that one person. Spending all the spare time you get with just your partner can be suffocating for the relationship. Spending some time apart can help you appreciate your partner even more. When you do things on your own that are not in any way related to your spouse, you discover yourself. You and your partner need to make the most out of life your individual lives.
2.You can always be open with them, without feeling fear of judgment:
The right partner makes you feel comfortable at all times. Comfortable enough to tell them anything and take anything from them.  Trust them enough to tell them your deepest secrets. You feel comfortable sharing your fears, your dreams, and even your worst experiences. They will not ever make you feel bad about yourself or try to tell you off. You trust them completely, and bond grows stronger every day.
3.They love your look:
They always show you affection not just with their words, but more so with their actions. They love your body and are always ready to tell you. It does not mean that they do not see other qualities you have, but they do not ever ignore your physical qualities either.

4.You are in love all day every day:
They may not always host elaborate feast to show you love, but they always use tiny gestures as well that mean the world to you. Remember that the smallest actions make the most significant difference. When they are away, you are the last one they would talk to before going to bed. They fill you in on their day's event, and you tend to feel warmth in your heart. They are always involved in your life. Every triumph is shared with you. The love you share is unconditional.

These are the visible signs you should look out for. When you find this kind of relationship, all you have to do is love and be loved!


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